Smokeless Tobacco Use in Clark County, Nevada: Restrictions and Prevention

It is essential to understand that the Nevada Clean Indoor Air Act does not limit smoking outside building entrances. Nevertheless, business owners have the right to implement their own voluntary “no smoking” policies, specifying a certain distance from their establishment where smoking can be allowed. This plan covers smoke and vaping from any source, including but not limited to cigarettes, electronic smoking devices, and snuff. Tobacco use prevention is a major health approach in Clark County, as approximately 22% of adults in the county smoke cigarettes, which is higher than the national average of 17%. The use of smokeless tobacco is also a matter of concern among young people, as they make up approximately 25% of the county's population.

In addition, 15.4% of Clark County high school students are current smokers. The Clark County Public Health Initiative (CPPW) has implemented a variety of changes throughout the community to promote healthy living. Rates of obesity and tobacco use are disproportionately high among some segments of the Clark County population. 3.2% of high school students reported using smokeless tobacco in the past 30 days prior to the survey.

Clark County has worked with community partners to ensure that several high-profile community events were smoke-free, such as CBS Radio's annual Bite of Las Vegas, the annual Las Vegas Gay and Lesbian Pride Festival, the Telemundo Fair, the Clark County Fair and Rodeo, and PET-a-Palooza. Approximately 60% of adults in Clark County are overweight or obese, and less than 25% of adults meet federal government guidelines for fruit and vegetable consumption. The Clark County School District has made great strides in making school meals healthier for students. In terms of restrictions on the use of snuff in Clark County, Nevada, there are no specific laws or regulations that prohibit its use. However, business owners have the right to implement their own voluntary “no smoking” policies, specifying a certain distance from their establishment where smoking can be allowed. The CPPW initiative has implemented a variety of changes throughout the community to facilitate healthy living and reduce tobacco use among young people. These include smoke-free events, healthier school meals, and public education campaigns about the dangers of tobacco use.

It is important for parents and educators to be aware of the risks associated with smokeless tobacco use and to educate young people about these risks.

Guilherme González
Guilherme González

Avid beer practitioner. Freelance internet fanatic. Freelance web fan. Hardcore social media expert. Devoted beer practitioner. General burrito lover.